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Tarzan: Untamed

by Karlie Yeung - December 15, 2001, 2:49 pm EST

The first Disney title for GameCube. Tarzan roams free in the jungle.

The first thing I found when I started playing is that there is no easy way to make Tarzan move at speed. When walking, crawling actually, even on only a slight uphill slope he moves forward very slowly. If there is a way to go faster that doesn’t involve jumping, I didn’t find it. This makes going up on narrow areas difficult as if you jump inaccurately, you fall. Going down slopes is another story. Tarzan will get up onto his feet and slide away. When inside of logs it is possible to spin all the way round and travel upside down. Most of the time this skill is used to skid along the branches of trees.

I chose not to watch the introduction for this section but it seems that in story mode Tarzan will help creatures in need as he makes his way through the forest. Dialogue boxes appear to give you help as you play. The first task is to return a gorilla mother’s children to her. They have been captured are you have to free them by breaking the cages once you find them. The little gorillas then have to be carried to their mother, who you will find later on in the stage. You have to reunite at least three families before moving onto the next task.

On your way you will run into enemies and large gaps to scale. On the first level a simple swipe will down anyone you come across. The big drops have a vine hanging across in a loop and this has to be cut into two with a spear to create two vines you can use to swing to the other side.

This is one of the easier 3D platformers with gameplay mechanisms similar to previous versions. It may suit younger players more as long time players will not find much of a challenge in this.

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Genre Action
Developer Ubisoft

Worldwide Releases

na: Tarzan: Untamed
Release Nov 16, 2001

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