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Nintendo Interviews Curt Shilling

by Steven Rodriguez - April 14, 2002, 4:13 pm EDT
Source: Nintendo

The D'Backs hurler talks a bit about videogames, and what he says might surprise you.

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Nintendo got to talk to Shilling about the release of 3D0's High Heat Baseball for the GBA. Although the interview doesn't really cover anything related to Nintendo, it's very revealing. The first two questions and answers really speak for themselves, really.

NP: Do you have a Nintendo system?

CS: We have a [Nintendo] GameCube at home. I take a laptop on the road.

NP: What are you playing right now?

CS: I'm a big Everquest guy. Oh yeah. I'm an addict, no question ... I also own a small company, called Multi-Man Publishing. Our web site is multimanpublishing.com. We publish war games. And so I run a small business through my laptop, I'm online a lot.

But, I'm a game player, more than anything. Started out a long time ago on the first Apple, played Intellivision, through Nintendo and all the stuff that was around when I was a kid. Always been a game player.

Wow. Check out the rest of the interesting interview over at Nintendo.

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