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Two Tribes Details Toki Tori 2 Wii U Plans

by Patrick Barnett - February 9, 2012, 10:58 am EST
Total comments: 1 Source: http://twotribes.com/message/toki-tori-2-update-18..., (Two Tribes)

Two Tribes discusses what they would like to do with Toki Tori on the Wii U.

Toki Tori 2 may come to Wii U with some interesting features, revealed in a blog post on developer Two Tribes' website.

Toki Tori 2 is currently scheduled to release on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android devices; however, Wii U development is being looked into. Following the recent details regarding the Wii U's online system, Two Tribes is expressing interest in putting the game on Nintendo's HD console.

Two Tribes said, "You may wonder why we decided this just now. Nintendo recently released information on their online strategy, which sounds much more robust than before. The 3DS eShop has been a big step in the right direction compared to the Wii and DSi online shops, and it would be strange if they did not at least match it’s functionality on Wii U. Since Toki Tori 2 is designed to be a downloadable title, these things are vital to making the correct choice of which platforms to develop for."

With the game on the Wii U, Two Tribes explained there are many more options to utilize. They would retain use of the analogue sticks and only require two additional buttons to play. Two Tribes doesn't feel motion controls would add to the game and would opt to leave them out.

Two Tribes also noted that with the Wii U controller, the entire game could be played on the smaller screen. With the touch screen on the controller, a level editor could also be designed. In their envisioned level editor, you could alter a level on the touch screen while the game was playing on your television set.

Two Tribes finished off their blog post reiterating the fact that these capabilities are speculation since nothing is know about the Wii U's ability to store and share levels. However, they will try their hardest to get Toki Tori 2 on the Wii U. 


roykoopa64February 10, 2012

I would love to see Toki Tori 2 on Wii U. The tablet would make a nice feature for the style of gameplay, for sure.

I greatly enjoyed the first one on WiiWare, except for the fact I never finished it due its crazy difficulty. Some of those levels I just couldn't figure out! I got as far as the Slimy Sewer. Loved the music overall.

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