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Namco to Port One Piece to the 3DS

by Pedro Hernandez - December 13, 2010, 9:14 pm EST
Total comments: 2 Source: http://remoon.blog15.fc2.com/blog-entry-14818.html..., (Silicon Era)

Two of the One Piece Unlimited Cruise games will be ported to one 3DS cartridge.

In addition to porting other Namco titles such as Ridge Racer and Pac-Man and Galaga, Namco will be porting their two One Piece: Unlimited Cruise games to the 3DS. Both games will be available on one cart. The titles were originally released for the Wii as two different episodes. In the games, players are able to take control of Luffy and his Straw Hat crew and cruise the seas in search of treasure and battle other famous characters from the manga and anime series.

It is rumored that the title could see a release near the launch of the 3DS in Japan in spring of 2011.


CalibanDecember 14, 2010

Want! If it's localized of course.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterDecember 14, 2010

Horray! Been meaning to play this, hopefully it comes stateside.

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