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Mobile Monitor 5.4

by Rick Powers - January 1, 2002, 10:31 pm EST

Rick spent the whole past weekend experimenting with the Interact Mobile Monitor 5.4 ...

I'm going to post a FULL review of the Mobile Monitor later, but suffice it to say that any hardcore gamer simply MUST get one. The screen came in so handy during my trip to the family cabin for New Year's that it's not even funny.

The screen snaps on securely to the top of the GameCube, and plugs into the standard AV port (no progressive scan). The screen must be plugged in SEPARATELY, unless you use the included Car adapter.

The screen I purchased has some noticable defects, including some fuzziness right of the center of the screen, and ONE dead pixel. However, this fuzzyness is much less noticable when you're not looking at a black screen.

The refresh rate is definitely not TV quality. Get used to seeing some ghosting and after-images when you play fast moving games.

Games like Pikmin were passable, SSX Tricky played wonderfully, Smash Bros. was a mixed bag, nearly unplayable when the screen zoomed out. A disappointment was Rogue Leader ... unplayable in any space missions since the screen doesn't handle black well.

Sound Quality was decent, but you should definitely use headphones. The sound with headphones is so much more immersive, perfect with the screen being so close.

I'm absolutely THRILLED with the monitor, despite the flaws and shortcomings. While you'll definitely want to use a TV where possible, the Mobile Monitor 5.4 is great when TV hookup isn't possible. It's a bit pricey at $149 (I got it for $129 at TRU), but for folks that travel frequently, it's worth every penny.

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Developer InterAct

Worldwide Releases

na: Mobile Monitor 5.4
Release Nov 18, 2001

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